Rudimentary Slave

The biggest challenge Americans have when it comes to achieving their dreams is that, for the most part, our lives are pretty darn good. You get an 8-5 that pays enough to cover bills and entertainment, you have a 401k building up for retirement, you have family and friends that you are close with. You also have this dream of one day leaving your job and starting your own thing, your passion, the one thing that makes you truly happy.

The problem is that, life is not hard enough for you. It is not “do or die.” If you do nothing to advance toward your goal, your bills will still be paid, and you will be able to crack a beer after work, sit in front of the tv and watch your favorite shows under the cool ac that keeps the temperature in your house just right. You will still be able to hang out with your buddies on the weekend, and go to concerts, and discuss that new movie that just came out. The need to fulfill your passion is not present in any of that, and if it never came up ever again, you will still be doing just fine. And so you become a slave, no, an addict of the routine that keeps you comfortable and alive. And by the time you realize that is as much poison as anything else, it may be too late for you in life.

Keep your dreams alive by making them a priority or comfort will make sure to kill them for you.