What 18 Years of Failure Can do to a Man

The kid on the left thinks he has life figured out. He thinks he’s better than others, smarter, wittier. He thinks he will be rich by age thirty. He thinks he can be a better parent than his parents were to him. He thinks he knows people. He thinks he has true friends. He thinks everyone else is at fault but himself. He pretends to be something that he isn’t in order to look like a distorted and accepted version of himself to others. He drinks too much and he stumbles through life sweeping his issues under a massive rug.

The man on the left understands that he knows very little about life and the world. He does not go through life thinking he knows truth; he searches for it. He shines a light on his many errors instead of burying them and tries to learn from them. He doesn’t pretend to be anything he isn’t, and he does not concern himself with the approval of others. He is ambitious, but humble. He understands the value of failure and never giving up. He no longer feels the impulse to impress anyone and understands the value of legitimate love.

That is what eighteen years of immense failures will do to your ego. And because of those many failures I am blessed.

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